If WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then WScript.Quit Dim sExt Dim sLink Dim sRelativePath Dim arrPathFile() Dim arrPathLink() Dim WshShell Dim ShellLink Dim iMax Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") For i = 0 to WScript.Arguments.Count -1 sExt = WScript.Arguments.Item(i) If UCase(Right(sExt,4)) = ".LNK" Then Set ShellLink = WshShell.CreateShortcut(sExt) sLink = ShellLink.TargetPath If Instr(sLink,"\explorer.exe") = 0 Then ReDim arrPathLink(UBound(Split(sLink,"\"))) For j = LBound(arrPathLink) to UBound(arrPathLink) arrPathLink(j) = Split(sLink,"\")(j) Next ReDim arrPathFile(UBound(Split(sExt,"\"))) For j = LBound(arrPathFile) to UBound(arrPathFile) arrPathFile(j) = Split(sExt,"\")(j) Next iMax = UBound(arrPathLink) sRelativePath = "" For j = 0 to iMax If arrPathLink(j) = arrPathFile(j) Then Else For k = j to UBound(arrPathFile) sRelativePath = sRelativePath & "." Next For k = j to iMax sRelativePath = sRelativePath & "\" & arrPathLink(k) Next Exit For End If Next ShellLink.WorkingDirectory = "" ShellLink.TargetPath = "%windir% \explorer.exe" ShellLink.Arguments = """" & sRelativePath & """" ShellLink.Save End If End If Next Set WshShell = Nothing Set ShellLink = Nothing